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If dropping a diamond ring into a champagne flute at a fancy restaurant isn’t really your style of proposing? Then read on. We got you…

If you’ve got the right ring (did someone say Platinum band with a Princess cut diamond?), now all you need is the right way to pop the question. If you don’t have the ring yet, don’t worry, contact us and we will get that sorted for you.

Summertime in Sydney has endless possibilities that you just haven’t thought of yet. If you want to show her how much she/he means to you, consider one of these epic Sydney summer proposal ideas.

Sydney Opera House

Bondi Beach

The Rocks

Royal Botanic Gardens

Darling Harbour

Centennial Parklands

On the Spit Bridge to Manly Walk

If you two are the active types, you can always try proposing somewhere private with a great view. You’ll have 10 km of gorgeous hiking ahead of you where you can really think about what you want to say when you pop the question.

Scuba Diving at Ramsgate

What’s more magical than being under the sea? Ramsgate is one of the best scuba diving spots in Sydney. Challenge her to find the blue groper and while her back is turned, carefully present her with the ring. She’ll be utterly surprised and impressed.

On the Ferris Wheel at Luna Park

Are you the types who love to act like kids and have a good time together? Then treat her to a day at Luna Park. Win her a teddy bear, ride all the rides and eat gross carnival food. At the end of a great day, jump on the Ferris wheel, wait until you’re at the very top and then ask her to marry you.

In the Air Over the Harbour

If you really want to impress her with something you don’t get to do every day, book a helicopter tour that goes over Sydney. Once you have the Sydney Harbour in your sites, it’s the perfect time to make your proposal.

Observatory Hill

The Rotunda at Observatory Hill behind the Rocks makes for the perfect spot for an engagement. Pack some wine and a picnic and enjoy a romantic afternoon. When the sun starts to set, you’ll be ready and relaxed and can ask the big question. Celebrate in one of the pubs at the Rocks on your way home.

Along the Rocks at Cronulla Beach

Cronulla Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Sydney. Follow the walkway that leads to the rocks and sand formations where some brave surfers push off from. The solitude and amazing beauty of the waves crashing around you will make for an amazing place to ask her to marry you.

In the Caves from Manly to Freshwater

A great local secret in Sydney is that there is a cave tunnel that leads from Manly Beach to Freshwater Beach. You access it from behind the Manly Rock Pool. Not only will you get the whimsical feel of exploration, but you’ll likely have total privacy and a cool break from the heat of the sun.

Planning on an incredible proposal? First, you need to get the right ring. We can help with that. Contact Anania Jewellers in Sydney CBD today for assistance.

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