Buying a diamond, any diamond, is a difficult task due to the high amounts involved, amounts that are higher in pink diamonds, and the literally microscopic changes in the diamond that may result in a serious price change.
But considering that most diamonds are bought for engagement rings, a very very emotional purchase, the task can be quite overwhelming.
But… it doesn’t have to be!
The purpose of this guide is to assist in the purchasing process – what to look for? What to watch for (and what to watch from)? and even how to save lots of money.
But first thing first:
What is a pink diamond ?
Why are pink diamonds so rare and expensive, simply put diamonds are most common in colour ranging from white, to brown and yellow. The more intense the natural colour or in the case of white diamonds the lack of colour, the more rare and expensive the stone. Certified natural Fancy Vivid pink diamonds are the most expensive diamonds on the market ranging in price from 30,000 to 100,000 per carat, 20 times the price of a white diamond. The majority of all pink diamonds mined come from one source in Australia, the Argyle Mine. Argyle Pink Diamonds are so expensive because of the very limited supply.
A pink diamond is formed of only carbon like a white diamond, through millions of years in the kimberlite pipes of volcanoes. Trapped chunks of carbon (the same carbon used to make pencils) are transformed by extreme heat and pressure into the glass like diamond. A pink diamond has been exposed to even more intense heat, pressure, and time transforming the diamond crystals into grains like wood. The grains are compressed so tightly that they will only allow pink light to penetrate and shine through the diamond.
Enhanced coloured stones are at a minimum heat-treated (HPHT) this process makes an off white stone whiter, and a brown stone into a vast array of colours from pink to blue and green. A coloured stone that is irradiated and heat-treated will become vivid and saturated with colour. These processes are permanent and do make a fancy coloured stone or a white more reasonable in price. The choice between a natural and a treated stone is a personal one, they are both beautiful diamonds and will provide the wearer with a life time of enjoyment
What makes a Pink Diamond Pink?
Gemologists aren’t entirely certain how the pink diamond obtains its colour. Unlike other stones in the Fancy Colour Diamond family, pink diamonds don’t contain impurities that they derive there colour from.
Various theories have been presented regarding the origin of the diamond’s unique hue. Some suspect that the enormous pressure undergone by pink diamonds during formation is a likely cause, though others believe it could be related to a seismic shock that impacted the stone’s molecular structure.
Though the exact cause of the pink diamond’s colour remains unknown, it offers the world a beautiful stone for engagement rings, bracelets and earrings.
Pink Diamond Intensity Levels
The shade of a pink diamond is graded according to its intensity and strength of colour. In addition to its main hue, pink diamonds can have a secondary colour or overtone, such as purple, brown or orange.
The GIA grades pink diamonds on the following scale:
- Faint
- Very Light
- Light
- Fancy Light
- Fancy
- Fancy Intense
- Fancy Vivid, Fancy Deep or Fancy Dark
Colour intensity 
Evaluating the intensity of a pink diamond is quite difficult, as each Fancy colour grade isn’t simply a point along a line: each grade is a range in itself. We suggest contacting a diamond expert to ensure you’re getting the right value for the price.You may also encounter pink diamonds being referred to on a point scale from 1-9. For example, a vendor may rank a pink diamond a “7” based on its colour and saturation. This is the Argyle color grading system. The GIA grades are usually standard, though.
As with most Fancy Colour Diamonds, the richer and more saturated the colour, the more expensive the diamond.
 Are Pink Diamonds Rare?
All natural fancy coloured diamonds are considered rare as mined far less frequently than their colourless counterparts. In fact, some studies have shown that only 0.01% of colour diamond carats are mined each year in comparison to colourless stones. Pink diamonds are very feminine, extremely beautiful, and among the rarest of the world of colours, just after red, deep violets, and straight purples, and that is why the demand for pink diamond engagement rings has increased so substantially. Because the demand for pink diamonds is so high, while their supply remains so low, the value of some pink diamonds today is tremendous. Hence, the reasons there are many utilising these stones as investment pieces.Â
How are Pink Diamonds Formed?
The formation of all diamonds is something that happens over millions if not billions of years. Under conditions of immense pressure and heat, Carbon elements form together into rough diamond rocks. Now, it is generally the compound elements that grow within the stones that cause the different colours, but in the case of pink and red diamonds, scientists don’t actually know for certain what the cause of the colour is. After assessing the stones, the best guess is that it is the immense pressure that causes the pink and red colours. Scientific evidence has shown that Pink Diamonds contain high pressure graining which results in a compressed internal structure and that is thought to be the origin of the colour.
Are Pink Diamonds Natural?
Pink diamonds are 100% natural, and if that isn’t the case, one legally needs to note that the stone is artificially enhanced on the certificate. When the rough stone is found, there is a pinkish tint to the colour of the stone. Depending on the intensity of the colour and the cut of the stone, the outcome of the natural diamond is sometimes breathtaking. Especially with a pink diamond, because of its value, it is essential to demand a certificate in order to authentic its origin. Although, a lot of progress has been made with artificially enhancing some diamonds, completing the process with a fine pink colour is still considered extremely rare, and not many companies possess the skills needed to do this.
Where do pink diamonds come from?
Diamonds, in general, are made from the carbon element. They are formed naturally, over 100 miles deep into the earth’s core, where they are heated at approximately 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit and pressurised in unimaginable conditions. They have remained in that environment over millions of years, until cooling to their solid form, which we see today. Pink diamonds specifically are created in the same way, however they are found only in certain parts of the world.
Why are Pink Diamonds so Expensive?
 Less than 0.01% of all diamond carats mined are quality pink stones. The very first question individuals seem to have is regarding the high prices. Indeed, pink diamonds are priced fairly high; significantly higher than, say brown or yellow diamonds. However, the main reason pink diamonds have a name of being pricey is because they are hard to come by and are in high demand. There is more demand than supply and that has a serious effect on the prices. Also, the origin of the stone will also weigh in on the stone. For example, similar to a brand name of any luxury brand, Argyle Pink Diamonds, mined from the Argyle mine in Western Australia are considered some of the best pink diamonds in the market.
Furthermore, some might be looking at Argyle pink diamonds, which are most often priced even higher. These diamonds are found in the Argyle mine in Australia. Due to the colour and their successful branding and marketing techniques, Argyle pink diamonds have become like a designer brand that is priced more than others, although they might not necessarily be better in quality.
Are pink diamonds cheaper than white?
Diamonds are actually prices per each carat, and the carat price will change depending on the characteristics of the stone. This means that although a pink stone is a rare, if it is low quality and only 0.25 carats, it will likely have a less per carat price than a 100 carat D flawless. However, in general, especially when talking about similar stones, pink diamonds are far more expensive than white stones.
Are Pink Diamonds Worth More?
Colour diamonds are indeed worth more per carat than colourless diamonds. Only, needless to say, the diamond characteristics will essentially determine the value that these stones may hold. This means that when a 1.50 carat fancy intense pink diamond is compared to a 1.50 carat colourless stone, the pink diamond is worth a lot more than the white diamond. However, if the same 1.50 carat natural fancy intense pink diamond was compared to a similar colourless diamond but of 100.00 carats, obviously, the colourless stone would be worth far more per carat because of its size.
Are Pink Diamonds a Good Investments?
One of the basic principles of a good investment is supply and demand. The reasons are because if there is no supply, it will be difficult to source and if there is no demand, what is it good for, other than a nice collection piece. Natural pink diamonds are extremely difficult to source, and the demand increases year after year. Price performance for these stones has proven unbelievable, even when compared to some of the best investment opportunities in the market. The combination of the price performance and some of the greatest advantages these stones hold, pink diamonds boast excellent potential when used as an investment.
What Causes the Colour?
While most coloured diamonds owe their colours to impurities such as nitrogen (yellow) and boron (blue) the cause for pink diamonds is still unclear. Rather than the compound element being responsible for the pink colour, it is believed that the unique colouring is a result of the immense pressure the stones endured beneath the Earth’s surface over time. Deformation in the diamond’s crystal lattice is what might be the reason for the pink diamond’s colour. Pink diamonds belong to the Type II category of diamonds, which is the rarer and more valuable type. While most diamonds in the world are Type I, only a small percentage are IIa or type IIb, and pink diamonds are included in this rare category.
How many pink diamonds are there?
The Argyle mine in Australia, which is recognised as the largest producer of natural pink diamonds, averages an annual production of 8,000,000 carats. Only 1% of that 8 million are graded pink. Many aren’t gem quality and most of those that are gem quality, are very low level quality stones. However, it is important to remember that diamonds never lose their colour, or sparkle. The ones mined over 100 years ago are just as good as those found yesterday. They have no shelf life, and there are no second hand stones. Therefore, there are a large number of pinks out in the world, only most aren’t available for purchase.
Are Pink Diamonds Real?
 Natural pink diamonds are real. “Natural” refers too diamonds that are found in nature with a pink colour, and have not been treated in any way order to become pink. This rarity factor is the main reason pink diamonds are so expensive. Because of these factors, certain shades of pink diamonds are incredibly valuable and are considered terrific investments. In order to determine whether a pink diamond is natural or has been artificially enhanced, one needs to look at the GIA certificate where it specifies the origin of the colour.Â
Where are pink diamonds mined?
The main source for the world’s pink diamonds is the Argyle mine in the Kimberley region of Australia. It is also the most famous mine for pink diamonds, so much so that pink diamonds and the Argyle name seem to go hand in hand. Other sources include the Golconda mine in India, as well as Brazil, South Africa, and Russia. The pink diamonds that are found in Brazil and South Africa often have more of a brownish shade.
Where can I buy pink diamonds?
Most professionals within the trade have never had the opportunity to physically see a pink diamond. Although they are not all that difficult to find, because they are so rare and the price is so much more, most jewellers wouldn’t consider such an investment. Therefore, they won’t come across those stones unless they attend a large trade-show.
Pink diamonds are truly unusual gemstones. They are some of nature’s most beautiful gifts. Many have recognised the charm and value of these stones, and have already invested in them. Buying a pink diamond is a big decision, and therefore needs to be made very carefully. Hopefully these questions will have been of some help.