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Australian Jewellery Auctions

Auctions are really fun – that is as long as you don’t end up bidding against yourself! And you’re safe from that online.

Buying jewellery at auction allows you to get really fabulous, outstanding pieces dirt cheap – sometimes for as little as ten cents on the dollar.

There are not always astronomical price tags, bidding wars or collectors’ pieces from Wallis Simpson and Elizabeth Taylor. And anyone can attend an auction. For free – even auctions at the famous auction houses like Christie’s, Sotheby’s and Bonhams. Some high-profile and evening auctions require a paid ticket though. If you intend to bid, you have to register before the auction, with identification and sometimes a financial reference or a deposit.

It’s great fun watching and listening to the auctioneer too – and that makes you realise just what a demanding, stressful, complex job an auctioneer has.

There are specialised courses in the US and Europe, but a gifted auctioneer generally needs intellectual and emotional intelligence, and has to use their charm, presence and force of personality to create just the right atmosphere of excitement and exhilaration, to drive the bidding, and to gracefully engage the attention of all the potential bidders, without missing a single one. In fact, the auctioneer really has to take control of the whole room.

“It’s a performance art,” Hugh Edmeades, International auctioneer for Christie’s and the company’s former International Director of Auctioneering, used to say.

Edmeades used to encourage all his auctioneers to wear bright accessories and to use hand gestures, but claimed that the most vital element is a genuine sense of enthusiasm. To succeed as an auctioneer, Edmeades said, requires both speed and energy “Auctioneers must enjoy themselves, and the bidders will too.”

Australian Jewellery Auctions: A new and exciting way to buy

Of course things have changed a lot over the past two years with the pandemic, lockdowns and strict regulations all over the world – and now AJ & W Auctions are the premier online jewellery and watch auction house in the whole of Australia. Please note that our australian jewellery auctions have no buyers’ premium, and in fact our fees are minimal.

We resize rings, and polish and clean all pieces offered for sale as well. And that’s because AJ & W auctions want their buyers and sellers to get the best possible prices from our platform. Why don’t you come and join us? It’s good fun!

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